Monday, April 22, 2019

EP Release: Under Stars And Waves

Download on Bandcamp
Listen on YouTube

Hi internet,

I'm excited to announce the release of Haunted's next EP, "Under Stars And Waves", out now on YouTube and Bandcamp!

I. Under Stars And Waves
II. The Last Dim Light I Breathe
III. Sadness
IV. Leave

I wrote a longer blog post on the conceptual inspirations behind "Under Stars And Waves" last week, which you can read here, but to reiterate shortly, this EP is inspired by the notorious cliffs of Beachy Head (Eastbourne, UK) and their tragic legacy as a suicide hotspot. It is a place whose suffocating atmosphere has lingered with me for years, haunting my nightmares with nostalgic deathwishes and cravings for an ocean-washed ending. I wanted to echo the sorrowful vision of the last moments on Earth atop those towering cliffs, gazing at the endless expanse of breathtaking sea and sky while burdened by a much less beautiful mind.. 

Sonically meandering between the many wavering strands of black metal such as DSBM, ABM, and blackgaze, "Under Stars And Waves", like much of Haunted's work, is authentically eclectic in style, refusing to be bound to any set genre; instead threading fragmented influences into a moonless, bleary eyed vision of life under the stars and death beneath the waves.

You can download the "Under Stars And Waves" EP on Bandcamp for a name your price donation if you would like to support my strange musical endeavours. All £ will be reinvested into music creation and printing merch for summer! All your support is immeasurably appreciated, even if there's only a handful of you jumping in the grave I'm digging  💜 You can also listen to the full EP on YouTube here. Sometime in the nearish future Haunted's discography will also be on iTunes and Spotify - stay updated on Twitter to to stay updated!

I'm excited to release this one into the glistening aether and I hope you enjoy it  x

     - Hysteria

                                           UNDER STARS AND WAVES EP


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Under Stars And Waves EP - Out April 23



Hi internet,

Haunted's second EP, "Under Stars And Waves" will be out on Tuesday April 23! A small collection of songs conceptually inspired by the pearlescent cliffs of Beachy Head (Eastbourne, UK); their towering peaks suffocated by the sombre melancholia that lingers like wraiths, tired and drowned, and the sounds of the hushing sea so far below. Sonically, "Under Stars And Waves" threads elements of blackgaze, dsbm, atmospheric bm and a few other wavering strands of black metal into a moonless, bleary eyed vision of life under the stars, and death beneath the waves..

For those of you unaware of Beachy Head's tragic legacy - its soaring crumbling heights crowned with seas of wooden crucifixes have marked it the as one of the world's most popular suicide spots and sadly the UK's most popular destination. Lets just say I had an 'experience' atop the cliffs many years ago which has haunted me since; and the atmosphere that dripped in such sadness didn't leave, the clear air heaving under the looming clouds of death, bleeding all colour from the horizon.. to stand gazing at the beautiful natural world wishing to be blanketed by the glistening sea beneath - a beauty which is dimmed by stale longing, close in reach.. I wanted to capture the burdening, nostalgic haze of the cliffs which has lingered with me, and echo the morbid, fragile emotions as you stand upon the peaks drowned with everything you hate, staring at a polar opposite vision of the endless sea and sky, colourless but glimmering.. an EP made in hope to find peace with the worst moments of life and death.

That got deep real quick and I'm terrible at explaining things like this lol. To me, music is therapeutic and this EP was one of those vent pieces to empty myself of all the nostalgia and nightmares and turn it into something creative and slightly more beautiful. Trying to find peace through confrontation of the void.

Thank you for all your support on Haunted's debut EP "Bleak Midwinter" (YOUTUBE / BANDCAMP) released last week! I appreciate it immeasurably even if there's only a small number of you, a cult following is fine by me ;)

When "Under Stars And Waves" is released on Tuesday you will be able to listen on YouTube and stream for free on Bandcamp. You can download Haunted's discography for free / name your price on Bandcamp if you wish to support my strange musical endeavours; all donations will be reinvested into music creation and printing merch for summer 💜 I'm also on Twitter shitposting alone as a wise man once said.

    - Hysteria

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

EP Release: Bleak Midwinter

Listen for free on Youtube
Download for free / name your price on Bandcamp

Announcing the release of Haunted's debut EP "Bleak Midwinter", a fog-veiled take on the morbid beauty of the Earth as she crumbles beneath winter's frost, the night-veiled serenades of the black winds, and the choking greyness that seeps like a deathly purification.

    I.  Bleak Midwinter
   II. A Crimson Midnight

While the title track "Bleak Midwinter" echoes the thickening mist of a seasonal depression; the choking sense of death that plummets with the fallen winter through its suffocatingly dense tones, "A Crimson Midnight" polarisingly explores a nostalgic haze of silver and red, the strangeness, the melancholy and the blissful torture of it all, crawling into more obscure sonic routes as weeping strings are weaved with eerie theremins and bloodcurdling horror organs. A blissfully melancholic soundtrack to the pouring Nykterian rain...

"Bleak Midwinter" is available to listen to for free on YouTube. Free downloads are available on Bandcamp, and from the weekend will also be available for a name your price donation if you wandering, haunted beings wish to support my musical endeavours. Over summer, some unique and highly limited tshirts and merch bundles will hopefully be released if you wish to cloak yourself in the glittering void. All of your support is immeasurably appreciated 💜

Lyrics to the "Bleak Midwinter" EP are available on the official Haunted site (here, under Lyrics) if you wish to decipher the wash of starless noise I create.

"Bleak Midwinter" is one of 3 small, conceptually inspired EPs Haunted plan to release by summer 2019, accompanied by "Under Stars and Waves" (due late April) and "The Marcid Sky That Glistens" (due by May). Some limited t-shirts and small unique merch bundles will become available on Haunted's Bandcamp over late spring bleeding into summer if you haunted souls wish to cloak yourselves in the glittering void. A highly limited edition physical compilation album might also be released into the aether this summer.

Make sure to subscribe Haunted's YouTube channel and turn on notifs to catch all my releases as soon as they come out. You can also follow me on Twitter and sub to the official Haunted site to be updated with all Haunted's activity. Here on the Haunted site I will also be posting blog updates, lyrics, artwork, conceptual inspirations of songs and other info for the audience, maybe some Q+As in the future if the stars align..

    - Hysteria

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Bleak Midwinter, Bleak Production.

Hi internet

RELEASE DATE: 10/04/2018
It hasn't been that long since I last posted a blog but I'd like to update you lot on some exciting things happening! Haunted's debut EP, "Bleak Midwinter", is in its final stages of production (I'll get to that later), and is due to be released on Wednesday 10 April. The tracklisting is as follows:

   I. Bleak Midwinter
  II. A Crimson Midnight

The title track "Bleak Midwinter" was released as a debut single, which you can listen to here. A dense song about the suffocating fog of winter, the death she brings as she falls so relentlessly to Earth, and her inescapable, seeping evergrey.

'A Crimson Midnight' is an eerie, bloodsoaked piece, polarisingly about the comfort of the winter's dark, cold nights. Almost as equally suffocating as the title track, "A Crimson Midnight" explores more obscure sonic routes, weaving theremins with weeping strings and horror organs, echoing a nostalgic haze of silver and red, the strangeness, the melancholy and the blissful torture of it all.

Only two songs? Yep. At the moment all the music I am writing for Haunted is going to be released on small conceptually inspired EPs, with 2 - 4 songs on each. The other two EPs I'm working on (due spring/summer) are three/four song pieces inspired by closely related concepts, like how the tracks on Bleak Midwinter are linked in their lyrical tones. Haunted aspires to reverberate a vision of existence, and to me, artistically, it is much better achieved through the separation of the visions, and allowing them to echo widely rather than bleed into eachother, jumbled on a 40+ minute record that jumps between concepts.

So I'm not even going to lie, as you may tell from Haunted's music, I'm shit at production. I have my moments but nah. Songwriting is my thing and when an initial mix of the song is done, I just want to move onto the next one. I remix it again in a few weeks but no matter how long I spend on it, it just never has that oompf so at this point I'm just like fine be like that I've got other stuff to be getting on with. Hopefully in the future the quality will flourish into what it deserves to be as I figure out how to dim my want to write, but all three EPs out in spring/summer will most likely be somewhat questionable production-wise - not bad don't worry, I wouldn't put out something that didn't deserve to be released, it just needs a bit more love. Haunted probably won't do a full-length release till that's all sorted, just loads of smaller, conceptual EPs obscurely existing in their own slightly-off sound. I'm hoping you all can appreciate the songs as the weird spooky things they are without holding them to professional production standards :)

In the coming months when the EPs come out and if the project gains a little bit of traction, I might release some small, highly limited bits of merch on my Bandcamp if you would like to support me as an artist or own a bit of my surreal mind. I won't be printing CDs/tapes etc till a full length release as that shits expensive jesus but I have some unique ideas for merch bundles including shirts, lighters, guitar picks... to make the project more inclusive and absorbing for the audience.

Thank you for all your support, I truly appreciate it  💜 Blows my mind anyone would want to listen to my stuff even if it's only a small number of you. To stay updated with Haunted's activity, you can subscribe to the official site (this site) at the bottom of this page where I'll be posting more blog updates, artwork, lyrics, release and press info... Everything your souls may crave will be gathered here.

I'm also active on Twitter with shorter-form updates, initial artwork releases and random spooky bullshit. You can download all my music for free on my Bandcamp, or listen on Haunted's YouTube.

    - Hysteria

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Preparing for a Searing Summer..

Hi internet

Thanks for all your support on Haunted's latest demo releases, Sadness and The Last Dim Light I Breathe. Even if there's only like 5 of you listening I'm happy these songs aren't just buried in my hard drive existing so meaninglessly, even if just for a handful of you wandering souls.

Next on the agenda is to write a few more songs over the coming weeks and mix more tracks for 'Bleak Midwinter' and 'Under Stars and Waves' - two small EPs due to be released in spring/summer. Haunted may be musically quiet for a small while as I work on the future releases, but I'll be sure to have an ever expanding collection of questionably produced but still soothingly dark, bleak tracks to help us all cancel out the coming heatwaves; rainy songs to deflect the seemingly endless drought, the months of blinding summer..

Haunted is not a 'commercial' project, but an artistic project for me to release the music I write for other tired, strange or otherwise haunted people to listen to and find peace with the darkness they experience. Haunted wasn't launched with an intention of becoming 'famous' as I know there may not be many people that experience or feel the atmosphere Haunted creates, but for a few starless beings, Haunted hope to create a place to soak in a distorted image of the torturous but beautiful thing of consciousness and confront the fragile parts of their everything. Echoing a dimly saturated Earth to those who also see colourlessly.

Although there might not be many songs coming for a few weeks unless I do a spontaneous thing, I'll still be active on Twitter doing idek what better you follow to find out ;) (btw if anyone's got any good obscure horror movies let me know I'm on the hunt)

Below I'm embedding the songs released by Haunted so far, which you can also find links for on the Discography above. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube and turn on notifs to catch the new EPs as soon as they come out! You can also sub to the official Haunted website (this site) at the end of this page where you'll be updated of all Haunted's activity - from release/press info to blog posts about the writing process, song inspirations, lyrics and more!

      - Hysteria

Haunted - Bleak Midwinter

Haunted - Sadness [Demo]

Haunted - The Last Dim Light I Breathe [Demo]